Christmas Marriage Questions
Welcome to my blog. As a local pastor I have the honor of leading a group of people dedicated to loving Jesus Christ and exploring ways to share God's love with people. We are committed to a course of discovery, believing that asking valid and meaningful questions will lead us to truth. We are committed to a culture of trust where decisions based on truth move us forward in spiritual exploration. We are committed to a community of love where relationships become our most valued treasures.
Last week we finished up our "Dealing with Dragons" series having to do with the addictions in our life. As usual, we got a couple questions from Sunday's teaching, which I really enjoy.
This verse is good news because it first tells us that the devil cannot read our mind, because it says we are tempted by what is "common to man", which means the devil does not tempt us specifically according to our weaknesses. There are some general things that the devil will tempt us with, then he will watch to see where we fall, and then hit us there again.
It also says that God is faithful and will never allow us to be tempted above what we can handle, which tells us that God does know us well. God will also make sure that every time we are tempted, He will give us a way of excape, or a way out. If we take the escape route, we will continue to confuse the enemy and our temptation battle will be won.
So the choice is ours, as to whether we give in or not. We can no longer use the excuse that the temptation was just too strong, because God has promised He will make sure it never is.